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Re: [SilverStreak] leak in a silver streak

Dear Joe,
 I am sorry that with all your fixing  on the water lines, that you still 
have a leak, and as you said,  you will  have to track that down.
The reason why I am putting in my 2 cents, is  that you said that you will be 
drinking out of the water tank.  Even  though it is new, nylon, and you have 
sanitized it, it can still get  contaminated, from dust and dirt getting in 
through the filler cap, or the  hose you are using to fill it.  A shower hose 
head, on the shower  floor, can cause cross -contamination, if you don't have a 
vacuum breaker, and  sometimes even if you do.
 I always carry separate drinking water,  from my home, or buy it, since I 
got sick from drinking tank  water.                         Happy Trails,    Old 