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[SilverStreak] leak in a silver streak

I bought a 1969 Sabre 20' in June and have yet to go camping because I have been 
working on it ever since. Finally I put water in my new nylon tank and turned on 
my new shurflo pump and started pushing water thru the new Pex tubing. I had only 
replaced the copper for about four feet, to get rid of two leaks and to make up 
the changes that came from ditching the steel cylindrical tank (with rust hole) 
for a square nylon one. I have also patched three other leaks in the copper until 
next spring until I do a complete change over with the Pex tubing. I cut out the 
split copper and put in heavy duty hose. Now my question, when the pump is turned 
on it runs up to pressure and then quits for about 95 seconds, then it comes on for 
a second or maybe even just a half second, then it sits for 95 seconds and then 
goes again. I know I have a slow leak somewhere, I have looked at all my patches 
and looked everywhere I can see the plumbing and there is no dripping or spray that 
I can see. !
Here are my options.
  1. Do nothing, only turn on the pump when I am showering, running water in a pan, 
or getting a drink of water.
  2. Continue to look, leave the system on for several hours and then look harder.
  3. Drain the system and put in the pink antifreeze hoping that will show the leak.
  My question for the group is which of the three would you try or is there some 
other option I didn't think of.

  Joe in Wyoming.