From: JimDunmyer <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] Toilet Vacuum break
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 4:04 PM wrote:

> One word of caution:
> Ten years ago, a toilet in one of my Airstreams had a vacuum break.After
> pulling out the toilet so I could work on it and replacing the offendingpart
> and other parts that were brittle and then reinstalling it only tofind a new
> leak and then uninstalling it again to fix that one and another onethe next
> day - the sum total of $$ spent came to close what it would havecost me to
> have bought a new toilet to begin with and not have had all thathassle.

I had to laugh at your story! A fella gave me a toilet for a not-yet-built
bathroom in my shop. I fooled with that thing, replaced the guts, acid-flushedit
to remove the lime, and more. Finally replaced the darn thing witha new one; the
only thing that was good about it was it gave me the impetus to actuallybuild the
bathroom. (sure is nice to not have to go outside to "check the sawdustpile" like
we used to!)

Sure glad to know that I'm not the only one to catch himself in sucha trap.
