From: <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] Toilet Vacuum break
Date: Monday, March 29, 1999 8:29 PM
[VAC] Toilet Vacuum break

One word of caution:

Ten years ago, a toilet in one of my Airstreams had a vacuum break.After
pulling out the toilet so I could work on it and replacing the offendingpart
and other parts that were brittle and then reinstalling it only tofind a new
leak and then uninstalling it again to fix that one and another onethe next
day - the sum total of $$ spent came to close what it would have costme to
have bought a new toilet to begin with and not have had all that hassle.

The irony is this wasn't the first time I'd taken that path - in thename of
keeping everything original. Some lessons that should be learned bypast
mistakes have a way of not "taking" while in the heat of enthusiastic
confidence that, "this time, it will be different." Believe it, therereally
is such a thing as Murphy's Law." Terry
'67 Safari