From: Sherry<>
To: <>
Subject: RE: [VAC] Re: solar panels
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 1:05 PM

I suppose I am pretty frugal, but I also think having the dual system(no
univolt or anything) helps. I use 12v for lights, playing CD's, andusing
my computer. (No TV or blender or vacuum or any of that stuff.) I hardly
ever even use the water pressure pump. I pressurize my tank every coupleof
days with an air compressor running from the tow vehicle. But I'venever
had any problems running out of power. And speaking of frugality, mysolar
setup only cost about $300.

Sherry Hayes
'63 Bambi
VAC, WBCCI #1104

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Dunmyer
> Sent: Saturday, March 27, 1999 9:26 AM
> Sherry
> is getting by with less, but I'll get she's real frugal with
> her usage. (75 watts
> is going to be about 4 foot square of panels, more or less)