From: DHorn<>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] Paint the Inside -- Another 2 Cents
Date: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 12:45 PM


Thanks for the photo. My vote is to keep the paint as is.

Since I have little to no experience with Airstreams, I can't give youany
rationale, except that my instinct is to keep nice old things as original
as possible. If you do repaint, I'd guess that it will take an awfullot of
work and/or money to make sure that the job comes out good--masking,
removing trim and fixtures, etc. The reason I mention this is becausethe
repaint job on my Caravel is so bad. I'd rather see it with a relatively
"dingy "original paint job that's in good condition, but it's too latefor
that. I suppose a really professional looking job would not detractfrom
the value, but I personally would value having it original.

On the other hand, I'm sort of glad that my refrigerator is nearly new,as
opposed to original.


Hi Don, thanks for the reply. As you can see, the walls are grey, about
the same tone as aluminum, but without the shine. This is the original
paint, but it makes it very dark inside. I am torn between leavingit
original, or painting it white. (note: this trailer will never wina
"best in show")