From: Blair'sMom <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] Paint the Inside
Date: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 1:52 AM

David, the pic you sent reminded me of my dad's 67 Ambassador (the
"heirstream", as I call it, Bill Scott may (hopefully), have another
handle for it. I love the wood detailing I saw in the picture. It
looks identical to the wood in our trailer - any idea of what kindit
might be? We, too, were thinking of painting last summer, but after
strong lashings of citric ?oil, the interior brightened noticeably.
Also, the paint in our trailer has little speckles in it, which
?suggests that it's the original paint - apart from "dinginess", have
you noticed a similarity in your painted interior?

Why mess with greatness - your 'stream looks perfect as it is!

blairsmom (denise)
future owner 67 Ambassador who can TSP a wall, but has never painted!

>Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 20:40:18 -0600
>From: DavidReilly <>
>To: ""<>
>Subject: [VAC] Paint the Inside
>Hi Don, thanks for the reply. As you can see, the walls are grey,
>the same tone as aluminum, but without the shine. This is the original
>paint, but it makes it very dark inside. I am torn between leavingit
>original, or painting it white. (note: this trailer will never wina
>"best in show")

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