From: RobertM. Andrews <>
To: JimDunmyer <>; <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] electrical sources
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 11:17 PM

"The more I learn the more I still have to learn" I guess it will bethat way
until I don't need to use anything more that I have learned. Unfortunately
experience is an expensive teacher, the book sound like a good source.I will see
if I can get it.

Jim Dunmyer wrote:

> Robert M. Andrews wrote:
> >
> > I appreciate you conversation, but a quick look at
> >
> > will make things a lot clearer than I can. Can't say it will makeyour b=
> > atteries last longer but at least you can ask
> > a "real" expert why they don't.
> Robert,
> I picked up a book, "Managing 12 Volts" at Camping World, and ithas a wealth
> of information. Some of what I've said here in the past was not quitecorrect,
> in particular the bit about paralleling non-identical batteries.Although it
> probably won't hurt anything when the batteries are actively in use,they will
> tend to self-discharge a bit quicker if not isolated. Other thingsthat I (and
> others) have said have been confirmed, and even expanded.
> The author goes into a lot of detail on charging batteries, and whythe common
> systems on most RVs are poor at best. He makes a very strong casefor
> multi-stage battery chargers and points out why an automotive alternatortakes
> forever to completely charge an RV battery, ESPECIALLY if you usea diode
> isolator. (that half-volt drop)
> >From what I've seen so far, I'd highly recommend this book to anyone
> interested in getting the maximum usage from their battery system.Some of it
> will apply even if you seldom disconnect from the grid, but it'sespecially
> important if you are often living off your battery bank.
> I'll have a look at that URL, thanks for the tip!
> <<Jim>>
> --

Always My Best,