From: Jim Dunmyer <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] Air Compressor, Gas Valve
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 5:07 PM

The idea isn't original, I read about it on a Web site someplace. The guy added one because
his pump had NO reservoir at all and when the water heater got warm, it'd dribble water out of
the T/P valve. Mine doesn't do that, but minimizing the pump cycling would be worthwhile

Patrick Ewing wrote:

> Jim,
> Interesting idea----- I might consider this on the 1972 which has a pump. Very true in that
> the tank is heavier in the Bambi. Also the air system is a breeze to winterize. On the
> newer unit I need to use about 2 1/2 gallons on antifreeze, even with the water heater
> bypass.
> Pat