From: Patrick Ewing <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] Air Compressor, Gas Valve
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 4:02 PM


Interesting idea----- I might consider this on the 1972 which has a pump. Very true in that
the tank is heavier in the Bambi. Also the air system is a breeze to winterize. On the
newer unit I need to use about 2 1/2 gallons on antifreeze, even with the water heater


Jim Dunmyer wrote:

> Pat,
> I've never used a compressed air system, but the pump system has certain advantages.
> The main one being that the storage tank can be much lighter (plastic) and can be
> shaped to fit available space, so can be larger. I saw a neat idea that I may
> incorporate into mine: the addition of a pressure tank to minimize the cycling of the
> pump. Although the RV places sell them, they're also available from plumbing places,
> even the hardware store. What I want to get is one of those "bladder tanks" in a one-
> or two-gallon size and 'Tee" it into the system someplace. (location isn't critical)
> I'm fortunate in that my Jabsco pump has a tiny reservoir built-in, but it still cycles
> a lot when you're showering.