From: Jim Dunmyer <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] Air Compressor, Gas Valve
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 7:35 AM

I've never used a compressed air system, but the pump system has certain advantages.
The main one being that the storage tank can be much lighter (plastic) and can be
shaped to fit available space, so can be larger. I saw a neat idea that I may
incorporate into mine: the addition of a pressure tank to minimize the cycling of the
pump. Although the RV places sell them, they're also available from plumbing places,
even the hardware store. What I want to get is one of those "bladder tanks" in a one-
or two-gallon size and 'Tee" it into the system someplace. (location isn't critical)
I'm fortunate in that my Jabsco pump has a tiny reservoir built-in, but it still cycles
a lot when you're showering.

Patrick Ewing wrote:

> Tim,
> On my 1962 Bambi the air compressor is 12 volt. They need to be 12 v so that when
> you are boon docking it will still work. I really do like the pressure type system
> in the Bambi. Once the tank is brought up to pressure I at times can go for several
> days before having to turn on the pump again. ( I tend to be very conservative in
> water usage when need be.) P.S. I try to fill the water heater with city pressure
> before hitting the road as this job will put a lot of extre wear on the compressor
> and batteries.
> Pat