From: <>
To: <>; <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] 60's Teardrop Running Lights
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 10:33 AM

Re: 60s Teardrop Running Lights

Another source we use can be accessed right here on the screen.
Go to "" -
scroll down to "member pages" and select it -
choose "Phrannie" and select it -
again choose "Phrannie" and select it -
then choose "Poop Sheets" and select it -

After you're done getting sidetracked onto other interesting stuff

continue to "Sources and Resources" and select it -
then scroll down to "hard to find parts" and see if anything looks promising.

We've used Phred as our mentor ever since he started writing. We've even made
choices he recommended against - and sometimes wished we'd followed his
advice. Other times, his ideas have helped us work around the snags and not
end up shoveling dollars into a money pit. Terry - 67 Safari and others