From: Doug& Judy Stracener <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] Polishing An Airstream?
Date: Friday, February 26, 1999 7:25 AM

Robert: If you really, really want to do the polish job correctly, you
need to go to the following page for Airmark Tools

This is Jim Weston's company. He manufactures the drum polishers that
make the airliners shine (check out the American Airlines silver
birds; also that little airplane called Air Force One!), and does a
fantastic job in turning your Airstream into a bright, shiny mirror
without swirl marks, or burns. I made a trip up to Tulsa to see the
operation several weeks ago, and was thoroughly impressed with the
operation. All his stuff is first rate, and he has a polishing
facility specifically for the Airstream trailers.

If you want it done to perfection, you cannot go wrong with Jim's
