From: BillScott <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] Plasticoat Removal
Date: Monday, March 29, 1999 2:48 PM

Hey Jim and Jim and Bassman and others.
Several people on this list have used the Cyclo dual pad buffer. It
supposedly does a good job eliminating the "dreaded" swirl marks. Maybe
Tom or others will chime in with a testimonial. I started out withan
inexpensive Wen model 943 7inch wheel variable speed buffer. Available
at many stores, the low speed is important. Cost about $60, but thepad
attachment and removal is less than desireable. I moved up to a heavy
duty Milwaukee with a smooth variable speed dial and trigger. Applythe
polish slowly then speed up gradually. It is a good Solid heavy duty
I wish I could find an electric drum buffer, but one is not
made.............yet, that I know of. Many people polish with a buffer
first then follow up with a finer polish by "hand" to eliminate the
"dreaded" swirl marks. I noticed last week, the job seemed easier,
since this is the Third time in 5 years its been done. Let me do some
research on other polishes and get some names and phone numbers, then
you guys can try them yourselves and know first hand what is good and
what is just so-so. Last week, I did four front lower segments on the
Bambi in about 4 hours with lots of interuptions from onlookers. I'm
going to try to complete the job in time for the Wagon Wheel Caravanand
Dayton in June.

If anybody has a good buffer they have used, let us know how it worked.
We can all learn from each other.

Bill Scott
61 Bambi ( mfg 3-61 #1720)