From: TomH. <>
To: TomPatterson <>
Subject: Re: [Fwd: [VAC] 1953 tail lights]
Date: Friday, February 26, 1999 8:48 PM

Thank you for your help Tom, I appreciate it.

Tom Howarth

PS: I love your site and am jealous of that Silver Streak!

Tom Patterson wrote:

> Hi Tom,
> I put a couple of copies of your picture which have been reduced
> in size on the following page.
> Have a look and see what
> you think. If one or both of these are fine, just download them from
> the page.
> Loss of quality is subjective. You are going to lose some
> quality with the reduction in size. How much you want to lose isup
> to you. I can increase the file size, or come in somewhere in between
> the two of these. Let me know.
> I also put the picture you sent me out at the following location
> You can just direct people to this URL if you want them to see your
> original picture rather than posting the picture itself on the list.
> Anyway, this should give you something to start with. Handle it
> like you want. I will leave the pictures up on the server for a
> couple of weeks.
> Tom
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Tom H." wrote:
>> Tom,
>> Can you figure out how to post this without the loss in quality?
>> Any
>> recommendations are appreciated.
>> Going to bed now but will be on line tomorrow evening. Thanks for
>> any
>> suggestions.
>> Tom Howarth
> --
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