From: BillScott <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] Re:Life after plasticoat
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 2:40 PM

Hey Paul Anderson, I was off the list for a week, so I may have missed
your post on your new/old acquired Airstream. If your coach has the
old plasticoat that is now breaking down from UV radiation and it was
parked in a 'coastal' area and 'exposed' to salt air or other corrosive
air, acid rain or industrial smog, you could have corrosion under the
plasticoat. If it is breaking down from age and UV, the best thingto
do is remove all of the old plasticoat, then wash it with a mild
detergent. If you want it to have the oxidized "patina"...........just
leave it be after the plasticoat removal. The oxidation is a 'natural'
protection. Some a/s owners in CA and other states have 'Painted'
their coaches with a silver colored paint. From a distance, it is hard
to tell the differance. You won't hear very much talk about 'paint'on
this list because it is almost an Unforgiveable Sin.:-\

Everyone is different, so.......whatever floats you boat.

Many times the rot is caused by leaks around windows or vents or the
Door. Just re-caulking them with new rubber or caulking will do the

What year, size, model, and where has it been??

Bill Scott
66 Tradewind