From: DavidNewell <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] Ground Fault circuit interupters.
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 1:20 PM

Denny, I guess there could be some moisture in one of the outlats orthr breaker
could be bad. I haven't had time to put a meter onit to see if thereis a
measurable leakage to ground. As soon as the ground drys out enoughto pull the
twinkie around to the front where its more convinient to work on rightnow its
sitting in back where the garden was. Dave wrote:

> dave,
> the NFPA says GFIs have to be installed in any circuit that has aproximity to
> being grounded. this suggests (and Ohio building code agrees) thatin a house
> GFIs go in the bathroom, kitchen, laundry, and outside if you haveoutlets
> there. Without one, I guess the worst you could do is get the trailer120V
> above ground, and then step outside with bare feet on some deweymorning.
> Kinda' puts a spring in your step. ON the other hand, if its tripping,
> doesn't that indicate a leak somewhere?
> denny
> (think Willow. 9 weeks and counting)