From: Jim Dunmyer <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] anti-sway device
Date: Thursday, March 04, 1999 8:51 AM wrote:

> Our trailer also came with the anti-sway device. We don't have anything to
> compare it to, but we have yet to experience any sway when the 18 wheelers
> pass us by. It's not hard to connect. Just the last step in the process. We
> were taught to tighten it all the way then back off 1/4 or 1/2 turn. Seems to
> work well for us.

My buddy didn't remember the instructions for adjusting the friction, but thought
it was something like, "take out the slack, then crank 'er down 3/4 turn". The
local Coleman store sells an identical gadget, so I might ask there or see if
theirs has a sticker that tells how to adjust it.

It's interesting that you don't often see these things on other trailers. Boat,
utility, horse trailers and others usually just drop on the ball. Larger trailers
have weight equalizer bars, but not anti-sway devices.

I'm really anxious to try thing thing out once I get the brakes, etc. all
configured. Gotta pull the wheels, check the brakes, and repack bearings, too.


<<lower SE Michigan, USA>>