From: <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] anti-sway device
Date: Thursday, March 04, 1999 5:31 AM

In a message dated 3/1/99 5:51:25 PM EST, writes:

<< My trailer doesn't have A/C, at least not yet, so that's not an issue.
you say that you've heard negative things about sway controls: could you
elaborate? I figured that it's a PITA to connect, but one of those things
"can't hurt". You're telling me something different.....?? Maybe as long as I
certain that there's enough tounge weight I don't need to be concerned? >>

Our trailer also came with the anti-sway device. We don't have anything to
compare it to, but we have yet to experience any sway when the 18 wheelers
pass us by. It's not hard to connect. Just the last step in the process. We
were taught to tighten it all the way then back off 1/4 or 1/2 turn. Seems to
work well for us.

'75 Excella 500
WBCCI 31911