From: Tom H. ""
Subject: Re: [VAC] anti-sway device
Date: Monday, March 01, 1999 10:17 PM

Jim Dunmyer wrote:

> However, you say that you've heard negative things about sway controls: could you
> elaborate? I figured that it's a PITA to connect, but one of those things that
> "can't hurt". You're telling me something different.....?? Maybe as long as I make
> certain that there's enough tounge weight I don't need to be concerned?


I have one of the antisway friction devices and technically feel that it has to help
but overall I am not happy with the amount of sway I still experience. However,
because my coach is a 1953, the wheels are located closer to the center and as such
is not as well balanced as trailers made a decade later. I have rearranged the weight
balancing in the trailer such that my tongue weight is within the recommended 12% to
15% of the total weight but still am not totally satisfied.

In fact I am interested in the Hensley hitch some time in the (far) future because my
wife just doesn't feel comfortable driving with the trailer. However I have driven
over 40k miles with this set-up since 1993 and really have not had any problems
including situations with flat tires on both sides at different times.

My round about way of answering your question is that I am sure that the antisway
helps but I would not have gone out and purchased it new based upon my experiences to

Tom Howarth