From: Bill Scott <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] anti-sway device
Date: Monday, March 01, 1999 5:56 PM

Jim, at minimum you need a class III receiver with 2" square. Frame
mounted for strength and safety. Bumper hitches are not strong enough.
A good trunnion style weight distribution hitch will give you the
adjustability needed for good balance . The right height and angle of
the hitch bar and ball mount are also important. Shop around. My RV
repair friend always has 4 or 5 of these used systems laying around for
a good price. Usually any RV trailer shop will have these systems for
I've heard positive and negative about sway controls, mostly negatve.
Your call, personally I don't use them. I like to keep it simple ( KIS
Less weight fore and aft and topside, No AC or antennas or other junk
cleans up the air-flow.
Always helpful in a high-speed chase. :-)

Lo-profile Bambi