From: Bill Scott <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] anti-sway device
Date: Monday, March 01, 1999 3:40 PM

Hey Jim, just remember as the trailer sways to the left or right, the
friction sway device restrains the movement, by the same token, it also
restrains the return to home position. Some people like them and some
hate them. Ive never needed one. The weight distribution devices seem
to work just fine. The key ingredients to this mix are Load, speed, and
proper balance. Plus watch out for the "Bow Wave" that those 18 weelers
push along at 80 plus mph. Your little globetrotter properly loaded,
and with a strong chevy 350 conversion in that big square Jeep. That
would be a hefty and easy to fix combination.

If you want the Best, and money is of little concern, go with the
H...... Arrow , but only speak of it in hushed tones. It causes
full-auto fire from many hidden snipers. Good Luck.

Bill Scott
61 Bambi.........Can out run most trucks when in danger.