From: Doug & Judy Stracener <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] anti-sway device
Date: Thursday, March 04, 1999 7:05 PM

Kiki: At the risk of starting the notorious Hensley Thermonuclear War
again, I will give you the short version on sway control.

That thing you have, and everybody else, except Hensley and Pullrite
uses is correctly called a "Sway Dampner" device. It does not control
it, but rather, uses inertia and friction to make the sway problem
harder to start in the first place. Only problem is that IF the sway
gets going and you happen to be in a poor traction situation, the very
same friction device is going to be working against you getting
straight again, because the tow ball joint is now at an angle and has
to come back the other way.

This simple fact is why you should NEVER use a friction sway control
in wet or poor traction conditions. It can put you in the ditch very
quickly .

Pullrite uses a hitch that moves the pivot point up to the rear axle,
so the trailer doesnt tend to push the tow vehicle around like a
rudder on a boat.

Hensley uses a patented system that only unlocks at the command of the
tow vehicle end of the hitch. The trailer simply cannot control the
tow vehicle because it cannot initiate the sway in the first place. It
can only follow the tow vehicle.

Hope this helps.
