From: Jim Dunmyer <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [VAC] anti-sway device
Date: Thursday, March 04, 1999 10:40 AM

Peter K. Kaiser wrote:

> Yes, I have two anti-sway bars and yes they are friction gadgets.
> I used to pull a 16.7' Bonaire. Then I had only one antisway bar. But with
> my 29' Airstream, Can-Am-Rv automatically installed two antisway bars. If
> you read Andy's essay on hitches on their website (
> you can see what they recommend with regard to antisway devices in relation
> to trailer length. He also discusses the Hensley hitch.

I read that treatise on hitching a few days ago when you or someone else posted
the URL. Just went back and read it again. :-) That is about a "must read" for
anyone who is towing a trailer.

I'm convinced that the anti-sway device is necessary, my only question now is
how tight to crank it down after hitching up. Too tight strains things, but too
loose might not get the job done.


<<lower SE Michigan, USA>>