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[VAC] Re: An electrical question

Hi Alex,

You are correct about variations in fairground voltages - and that means
high as well as low. In one fairground (at a rally), the voltage fried our
TV set, our refrigerator and our microwave. Granted, the fairground paid to
replace all of them, but the down time was nearly a year. There were four
Airstreams on that particular leg and all four had severe electrical damage.

On a different note, for more than 20 years, we've experienced brown outs
and low voltage in the state of Florida. That was one of my incentives for
going solar and using an inverter to power my computers (yes, I had several
computers back in the early 80s).

Because we have been making the 1200 mile Florida run to visit my Mom for
20+ years, I chose to go independent electrically and "make my own" so to
speak, for using with my electronic toys.

Do I still use Florida's electric grid for operating our incandescent
lights? Yes.  Our fluorescent lights? No. Our electric coffee pot? Yes. Our
electric toaster? Yes. Our electric fry pan? Yes.

Do I always keep a voltage gauge plugged into an easily viewed outlet? Yes.
Do I know when brown outs are occurring? Yes.

Would I ever turn on my air conditioner when the voltage was in the vicinity
of 105 volts? Never. Are all voltage gauges accurate? No. Is my voltage
gauge accurate? Once upon a time, it was, but I haven't verified it in two

Do I run any electrical appliance with a computer board in it off the
Florida grid? Never.

Alex, my reply isn't exactly on the questions you asked, but perhaps they
will be useful as you go along.

Likewise, I'll be paying close attention to other replies you receive. It's
always worthwhile for me to keep an open mind and be ready to revise my
thinking.  Sometimes I miss the days when I knew everything. Those years of
being a teenager were wonderful in that respect.
