December 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th found the Baileys, Butlers, Fishers, Glazes, A. Hoffmeisters, Lawlers, Perrys, Sauers, Surretts, Whitneys, Peace and Whitts at Coushatte Recreation Ranch.

The Pattersons came for the meeting on Saturday. Also the Thompsons came for a short time on Saturday Afternoon. John is recovering from Gall Bladder Surgery. He is doing great. Visitors were Robert Blackburn and Claudi Reynolds.

January Birthday is Dot Morrison and Anniversary is the Whitts. We are glad our sick is down. At the time of the writing of this we found Dot Morrison is the Columbus Hospital. She needs surgery, but they will not do it because of her diabetes.

Our new officers were installed at 5:30, they are:

Wagonmaster:Walt Watkins
lst Assistant:Walter Surrett
2nd Assistant:Norman Lawler
Sec/Treas:Ann Watkins

Beautiful tables were set for our Finger Food and Catered dinner. Our gift exchange was exciting, that one can of Pop Corn moved around a great deal. The Frog candle holder even received a kiss. Games were played also.

Sue and I wish to thank you for your co-operation this past year and Walt and I hope we have as good a year.

Happy New Year

Ann & Walt