The December Rally was attended by Sauers, Peace, Whitneys, Miles, Hoffmeisters, Watkins, Thompsons, Butlers, Perrys, Lawlers, Surretts, Reaves, guest Claudia Reynolds. Dot Morrison spent Saturday with us.

This rally was hosted by 1997 Officers and their spouses, Jim & Mary Ann Sauer, August & Sue Hoffmeister, Lloyd & Deirdre Whitney. They decorated the building for Christmas, after arriving on Thursday. Even though it rained some off and on it didn't stop us from taking walks and playing lots of games.

Saturday night before our catered meal Eddie Peace installed our 1998 Officers:

Wagonmaster - Sue Hoffmeister.Sect/Treas. - Ann Watkins.
1st Assistant Wagonmaster - Walt Watkins.2nd Assistant Wagonmaster - John Thompson.
Sheriff - Lloyd Whitney.Deputy - Jim Sauer.

After supper we sang a little, played some bingo, and finally got to the Christmas tree to see what Santa had brought all us nice little girls and boys - provided some other member didn't trade us out of it. It was a fun evening and everyone went home with something - even if it wasn't what they originally chose.

Sunday after our devotional, some had to leave early to make other parties. Some stayed for playing more games and Must-go Lunch.

Our donation to the Burn Center was sent to Gene Whitt - $230.

January Birthdays - Dot Morrison Anniversaries - Whitneys.

Our January 15-18 Rally at Coushatte will be hosted by Jim & Mary Ann Sauer and Walter & Margaret Surrett. Their plans for us are:

Thurs: 6 p.m. Eddies Chili
Fri: 6 p.m. Soup & Salad - Every person bring one can of soup (not cream) and salad or dessert

Sat: 8 a.m. Sausage, gravey, biscuits, fruit & juice
9 a.m. Business Meeting
6 p.m. Ham, bring complimentary dishes

Sun: 8 a.m. Surprise Breakfast
8:45 Devotional
Noon Must go Lunch

Mary Ann and I had a "funtime" being your Wagonmaster and Sect/Treas. this past year. Hope you had a Happy Holiday Season. The new officers will look toward to seeing everyone in January.

Mary Ann Sauer - Wagonmaster

Deirdre Whitney - Sect/Treas.