The May 16th meeting of the Houston Royal Rovers was called to order by the Wagonmaster, Sue Hoffmeister, at 9 a.m.

The Invocation was given by August Hoffmeister.

Guests for the rally were Jerry Brooks, International President, and Mark, Pam & Kayla Hoffmeister.

The Minutes were approved as read.

The Treasurers Report was approved as read, and filed in the records.

Wagonmasters Report - We've received papers from International for anyone wishing to bid on the Editors job.

Correspondence - We had a letter from Cleta and Barbara.

Sheriff's Report - Lloyd collected $2.25 in fines, thanks to Sue's confession and Vonnie's tattling.

Sunshine Report - Vergie sent cards to Cleta, Kathy and Velera. Layton Clay & Nellie Beard, former Houston Royal Rovers, have passed away recently.
Ed Kirk came through his surgery well, and is in Columbia Bayshore in Pasadena.

The Wagonmaster read the list of May birthdays.

Vergie announced that on the 4th of July weekend, the Nelius' were having a Rally combining the 25th Anniversary of the Park, and Mr. Nelius 75th birthday celebration, and our club was invited. Plans are for a meal Friday & Saturday night. Saturday breakfast, birthday party, and fireworks.

The Wagonmaster appointed the Nominating Committee: Mary Ann Sauer, August Hoffmeister, and Ray Butler.

Announcements: Evening meal at 6 p.m. Sunday breakfast 8 a.m., Devotional 8:45 a.m., and Must go Lunch at noon.

Sue and August were thanked for hosting, also Walt & Ann Watkins. Sue thanked everyone who pitched in and helped when they had to leave for other commitments.

We will host the Mini Rally in 2000. Mary Ann & Sue talked to Howard about a date when we could have the stage room.

Jerry Brooks said he was sorry that Dorothy couldn't come with him and thanked the Club for their hospitality.

Mark & Pam Hoffmeister and Kayla became new members of the Houston Chapter. Welcome to them.

There being no further business, Jim Sauer made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.

Respectfully submitted



After supper the Wagonmaster called a short meeting. It had been discussed during the day that our Chapter, since quite a few were planning to attend, contribute something to the Birthday Party. It was decided that we would provide the ice cream. If Howard should get the ice cream donated from Blue Bell, then we have the ok to do something else.

p.s. again

The Holcombs, and Louise came on Friday and visited.
Cleta surprised everyone and came to visit on Saturday, was so good to see and talk to Cleta.