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Silver Streak Digest V1 #85

Silver Streak Digest       Sunday, July 4 2004       Volume 01 : Number 085

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Topics in Today's Digest:

[SilverStreak] new SS owners
[SilverStreak] Re: Silver Streak Digest V1 #84
[SilverStreak] air conditioner


Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2004 11:09:41 -0500
From: "AJ & Libby Knaggs" <>
Subject: [SilverStreak] new SS owners

Hi all -

My husband and I are also new to this list and to SS ownership.  We have a 73
28' Continental Deluxe Rocket.  We bought it from pictures but got a great
deal.  My husband and dad traveled from our home in Mountain Home, TX to
Hazelhurst, Georgia to get it.  The people who owned it before didn't know
what they had.  It was advertised as a 74, but the title says 73.  Any

My parents bought a 73 SS 22' Sabre a couple of months before we got ours and
we fell in love with it.  I absolutely love the corner windows.

We have yet to take a trip in our SS.  We've been working on it, but now we
are in the process of moving so we have had to slow up on that project.
Almost everything worked in the trailer when we got it.  The original refrig
was gone - it has a small house electric one.  It works fine for us for now,
but someday we'd like to get something more original.  Someone mentioned
replacing the stove with one that has an oven below and then building a shelf
(cabinet) for a microwave above.  We'd like to do this too, partly because of
opening up the space even more.  I believe the stove all works, so maybe
that's blasphemy to some of you. :)  We also took out the couch that was in
the front (I don't think it was original and it was in very bad shape) and
built a freestanding bed for ourselves.  We have three children and this
seemed to be the only way for us all to fit.  Two of the kids are small enough
to share one of the twin beds.  The bed is not directly attached to the
trailer, so we can always go back to the original way.  Another reason for the
bed is that my husband is 6'5" and most beds in older trailers are too small.

OK - so I've rambled.  Sorry.  I'm glad to have found this list.  I've tried
to find literature about Silver Streaks and haven't had much luck.  My parent
did buy a CD from someone that has old trailer life magazines and some
pictures and brochures.  Is there more available?

Thanks for any thoughts....
Libby and AJ


Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2004 13:19:03 EDT
Subject: [SilverStreak] Re: Silver Streak Digest V1 #84

Hi Tom, i'd like to add responses to some of these owners and add information 
about the progress on my 58 SS Clipper. can i do this simply by responding 
direct or do i have to use someother system? thanks much, jim cooper ramona CA


Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2004 22:56:27 GMT
From: "" <>
Subject: [SilverStreak] air conditioner

Hi Folks,  I am interested in installing an air conditioner on my 1964 SS. Can it 
be done?  Does anyone have experience completing this project? 

Thank you,


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End of Silver Streak Digest V1 #85

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