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Silver Streak Digest V1 #81

Silver Streak Digest     Wednesday, June 30 2004     Volume 01 : Number 081

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Topics in Today's Digest:

RE: [SilverStreak] Hi Michael and Cellesti
Re: [SilverStreak] New to list
[SilverStreak] welcome


Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 16:03:39 -0700
Subject: RE: [SilverStreak] Hi Michael and Cellesti

Hi Everyone, Wow! It looks as though this list has come to life! You
just have to throw in an occasional "I haven't heard from anyone" and
you'll suddenly hear from everyone! I'm relatively new to the list - I've
been lurking for a while - and decided to jump in here. This past
February I found a 1958 Silver Streak in Odgen, Utah, and towed it back
to my home in Colorado Springs. She's an oldie, but a goodie for sure!
Current status: The SS is gutted (all but the interior aluminum) and I'm
stripping the latex paint off the walls. A previous owner had painted the
entire inside, covering the factory mint green paint! All the wood has
been stripped and refinished, but the walls are mostly aluminum. She
won't be nearly as comfortable as the newer Silver Streaks - but we love
her none-the-less! I've also been polishing the exterior with a lot of
success. It's not coming out as good as I'd like, but it's a start! The
bad news is that we're finishing up a move, then a quick road trip
(without the SS), so I've had to set me project aside for the short term.
Hopefully in a couple weeks I'll be able to really go after it again. I
can't wait to be "finished" with it! If any of you are out this way
(Colorado Springs) be sure to look me up! I'd love to see what you've
done! Maybe it's time to revive that old Silver Streak club... they are a
special breed, no doubt! If you want to see what the old Streak looks
like - I have a website (that needs updating...) with some pictures at Enjoy, and happy travels!!! Steve


Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 17:13:50 -0600
Subject: Re: [SilverStreak] New to list

Congratulations, Celesti on your new trailer. I have a 1972 Continental Deluxe
Rocket and I love it. It' all original and in good condition.  I just took a
trip with it to Yellowstone National Park and it was great!  I have had it a
year but this really was its maiden voyage with me.  It had a few leaks in the
water system that I worked out while at the park and the water heater works
but I'm having a bit of trouble because the pilot light goes out now and then.
I hope you'll enjoy your  trailer immensely. I live in the West too.  On my
trip to Yellowstone I saw three Silver Streaks parked at different locations.
I'm interested on checking in on a couple of them.
Have fun


Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 21:44:27 -0500
From: Mary Stiltjes <>
Subject: [SilverStreak] welcome

Welcome Michael and Celesti!
 > We've stumbled into 1958 Silver Steak JET ownership a little over a 
 > ago. It became our obsession for couple months. (things were in pretty
 > shape) just needed an update to get it back to vintage.
 > We've been camping ever since. The furnace came in handy back in 
April (we
 > are from Wisconsin)
 > Wouldn't trade her for the love or money now! it's funny how a little
 > trailer can develop a personality.
 > Here's a link
 > to some pictures,
 > Enjoy,
 > Mary and Bruce


End of Silver Streak Digest V1 #81

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