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Silver Streak Digest V1 #66

Silver Streak Digest       Monday, March 8 2004       Volume 01 : Number 066

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Topics in Today's Digest:

[SilverStreak] Re: 1973...What a deal!
[SilverStreak] Vintage Trailer Information
RE: [SilverStreak] Vintage Trailer Information


Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2004 09:17:51 EST
Subject: [SilverStreak] Re: 1973...What a deal!

Harriet is right...Someone should grab this one up if they want a classic. 
This is the type of situation that enthusiast of Vintage RV's dream for.  Old 
and never used!   I also found a deal about a year ago on a 1977 33 footer and 
and only paid $2 K for it.  It can be seen on Tom's site under  "James 
Thompson" and trailer photos.  Of course I have additional money invested in it now 
but it goes to show that the vintage RV's out there are a great investment if 
you have the know-how and patience. Thanks to Tom for keeping all of the 
flowing and the interest high in saving some of our yester year  RV's!


Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2004 09:18:44 -0600
From: "Tom Patterson" <>
Subject: [SilverStreak] Vintage Trailer Information

I spotted the following posting on the Vintage Trailer e-mail list, and am
reposting it here for the benefit of our members who may be interested in an
additional source of vintage trailer information, including Silver Streak
Trailers.  I have been in correspondence with Juergen Eichermueller, who has
permitted the posting of this message.  Additionally, I have ordered copies
his CD's and will be adding some of the information to my website when

Juergen does advertise on E-Bay, under the name of "trailer-dealer".

- -Tom
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------

first off, please accept my apologies if this sounds like spam.  I do
not want it to be.  I am an absolute trailer fanatic even back when
it wasn't 'in'.  My dad owned a trailer park near Athens, GA and then
later on a mobile home sales near Jacksonville, FL.  Being a military
brat on top of it I was raised in all types and sizes of trailers and
mobile homes.  I started collecting when I was barely old enough to
say 'trailer' and have an entire wall bookcase of vintage original
brochures and magazines including some of my own designs (I studied
architect and was a practising architect in Florida, but my first job
was designing trailers for ABC Coach Co).  I married my beautiful
south German wife and we decided to move back to Germany because of
variuos family reasons. I am not trying to sound mushy or anything,
but I am in early retirement because of severe health problems that
don't allow to leave the house like I would like to anymore.  A
friend of mine owns a website called  I
have read where many in the group have discovered the site and I was
glad to read that it is being enjoyed.  I happen to be the 'one' that
does the vintage trailer museum on the website; 99% of the pics, ads,
etc. are from me.  I later gat the idea that since we registered and
copyrighted our material that I could also create collections for
other trailer fanatics on CDs. I then started selling them on eBay.
They aren't everybody's cup of tea, but I have sold a couple, but
nothing to write home about to tell the truth.  I am not trying to
get rich on others, just basically trying to share what I have and
earn just a little pocket money on the side.  Hope you all understand.
I have various files that I have created for my PC.  Each file is a
trailer manufacturer and everything that I find on that particular
brand of trailer.  For example:  I ahve a huge Spartan file that
includes 47 separate files and currently 671 photos, ads, plans,
etc.  Some of the other files that I have are: Shasta, DeVille,
Scotty, Prairie Schooner, Pacemaker, Silver Streak, Streamline,
Airstream, etc., etc., etc.  I believe I have at least 500
manufactures on file!  What I have been doing is if someone buys one
of my CDs (which itself is super) then if the person owns a
particular trailer and IF I have info on it, I go ahead and include
the entire file on the CD for him/her as a bonus; no extra charge.
Here is a list of the current CDs that I have for sale with prices.
I do give a discount if someone buys more then two if requested.
1) 1959 Mobile Home/Travel Trailer Catalog with 2 bonus vintage
magazines.  Most of the manufacturers presented with specs and floor
plans, etc.  $9.99
2) 1956 Mobile Home/Travel Trailer Catalog with 2 bonus vintage
magazines.  A super collection with tons of floor plans & specs!
3) 1955 Mobile Home/Travel Trailer Catalog with 2 bonus vintage
magazines.  A super collection with tons of floor plans & specs!
4) 1953 Mobile Home/Travel Trailer Catalog & the 1953 Trailer Manual.
The 1953 Trailer Manual is a `must have' collection for renovation
work.  This is the manual that was used by dealers and manufacturers
way back then.  Also with 2 vintage magazines.  $9.99
5) Collection of 8 Vintage Trailer Magazines spanning from 1954 to
1961.  A super collection for the trailer fan!  $9.99
6) Double-Deckers & 2-Story Trailers of the 1950s - a super
collection of all the known double-deckers that were manufactured in
the 1950s and 1960s.  Most floor plans and interior shots included!
If you aren't familiar with the double-deckers then you will be
surprised when you see this super collection. An absolute `must have'
for the vintage trailer fan!  $9.99
Postage is $3.00 (air mail) for one or two CDs, etc. I try to get the
best price for postage that I can and I do combine.  I do prefer
payment through Paypal if possible.  If you cannot use Paypal then
please let me know.
You can get the CDs from me directly or through eBay if you prefer.
My seller ID there is: trailer-dealer
Just do a seller's search and you'll see the CDs. Please keep in mind
that the CDs are copyrighted and it is only fair that one doesn't buy
one and make copies to just give out to others. Please understand the
work I put into these projects.  A lot of love too....
I used to own a bunch of different vintage trailers back in Florida.
Ma all time favorite was my 1954 Ventoura Loftliner.  This was an
8x37 double-decker (two-story) model and had two bedrooms upstairs in
the rear, another downstairs bedroom in the rear, center bathroom,
kitchen and of course the livin/dining area up front.  I literally
cried when I had to sell it when we moved to Germany.  The saddest
thing about the sale was the guy that bought it told me afterward
that he was just going to use it as a hayloft in his cow pasture in
norht Jacksonville.  I don'T want to know what the condition of my
trailer is now!!!
If you would like to write me then PLEASE write me at my other e-mail
address as follows:
I check it a couple of times a day and use it more then the yahoo
one. Hope you understand! And please bare in mind that there is a
time difference over here in Europe so I can't always answer e-mails
right away because I might be asleep.
Thanks for your time and best wishes to everyone!
Most sincerely,
Juergen Eichermueller


Date: Sun,  7 Mar 2004 09:23:13 -0700
Subject: RE: [SilverStreak] Vintage Trailer Information

I know that few of you know who I am - I'm new to this vintage trailer thing 
with a '58 SS Jet that I bought around a month ago (off of Tom Patterson's site, 
none-the-less). I'm a 'customer' of Juergens. I only have 1 cd, but will be 
buying the set soon. I, too, have been in touch with Juergen (since buying from 
him) and he's certainly one of the good guys! When I bought the CD, he included 
his entire Silver Streak file that had a bunch of info I couldn't find anywhere else.

So, for what it's worth - if you have a CD drive, it's WELL worth just going for 
it and buying the whole set. However, if you're like me and in the middle of a 
restore, you'll really be torn apart trying to decide if you want to browse the 
CD's or work on the trailer! :-)

Thanks, and I apologize, too, for sounding like an advertisement!

Steve Slaight

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [SilverStreak] Vintage Trailer Information
> From: "Tom Patterson" <>
> Date: Sun, March 07, 2004 8:18 am
> To:
> I spotted the following posting on the Vintage Trailer e-mail list, and
> am
> reposting it here for the benefit of our members who may be interested
> in an
> additional source of vintage trailer information, including Silver
> Streak
> Trailers.  I have been in correspondence with Juergen Eichermueller,
> who has
> permitted the posting of this message.  Additionally, I have ordered
> copies
> of
> his CD's and will be adding some of the information to my website when
> received.
> Juergen does advertise on E-Bay, under the name of "trailer-dealer".
> -Tom
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------
> Hi......
> first off, please accept my apologies if this sounds like spam.  I do
> not want it to be.  I am an absolute trailer fanatic even back when
> it wasn't 'in'.  My dad owned a trailer park near Athens, GA and then
> later on a mobile home sales near Jacksonville, FL.  Being a military
> brat on top of it I was raised in all types and sizes of trailers and
> mobile homes.  I started collecting when I was barely old enough to
> say 'trailer' and have an entire wall bookcase of vintage original
> brochures and magazines including some of my own designs (I studied
> architect and was a practising architect in Florida, but my first job
> was designing trailers for ABC Coach Co).  I married my beautiful
> south German wife and we decided to move back to Germany because of
> variuos family reasons. I am not trying to sound mushy or anything,
> but I am in early retirement because of severe health problems that
> don't allow to leave the house like I would like to anymore.  A
> friend of mine owns a website called  I
> have read where many in the group have discovered the site and I was
> glad to read that it is being enjoyed.  I happen to be the 'one' that
> does the vintage trailer museum on the website; 99% of the pics, ads,
> etc. are from me.  I later gat the idea that since we registered and
> copyrighted our material that I could also create collections for
> other trailer fanatics on CDs. I then started selling them on eBay.
> They aren't everybody's cup of tea, but I have sold a couple, but
> nothing to write home about to tell the truth.  I am not trying to
> get rich on others, just basically trying to share what I have and
> earn just a little pocket money on the side.  Hope you all understand.
> I have various files that I have created for my PC.  Each file is a
> trailer manufacturer and everything that I find on that particular
> brand of trailer.  For example:  I ahve a huge Spartan file that
> includes 47 separate files and currently 671 photos, ads, plans,
> etc.  Some of the other files that I have are: Shasta, DeVille,
> Scotty, Prairie Schooner, Pacemaker, Silver Streak, Streamline,
> Airstream, etc., etc., etc.  I believe I have at least 500
> manufactures on file!  What I have been doing is if someone buys one
> of my CDs (which itself is super) then if the person owns a
> particular trailer and IF I have info on it, I go ahead and include
> the entire file on the CD for him/her as a bonus; no extra charge.
> Here is a list of the current CDs that I have for sale with prices.
> I do give a discount if someone buys more then two if requested.
> 1) 1959 Mobile Home/Travel Trailer Catalog with 2 bonus vintage
> magazines.  Most of the manufacturers presented with specs and floor
> plans, etc.  $9.99
> 2) 1956 Mobile Home/Travel Trailer Catalog with 2 bonus vintage
> magazines.  A super collection with tons of floor plans & specs!
> $9.99
> 3) 1955 Mobile Home/Travel Trailer Catalog with 2 bonus vintage
> magazines.  A super collection with tons of floor plans & specs!
> $9.99
> 4) 1953 Mobile Home/Travel Trailer Catalog & the 1953 Trailer Manual.
> The 1953 Trailer Manual is a `must have' collection for renovation
> work.  This is the manual that was used by dealers and manufacturers
> way back then.  Also with 2 vintage magazines.  $9.99
> 5) Collection of 8 Vintage Trailer Magazines spanning from 1954 to
> 1961.  A super collection for the trailer fan!  $9.99
> 6) Double-Deckers & 2-Story Trailers of the 1950s - a super
> collection of all the known double-deckers that were manufactured in
> the 1950s and 1960s.  Most floor plans and interior shots included!
> If you aren't familiar with the double-deckers then you will be
> surprised when you see this super collection. An absolute `must have'
> for the vintage trailer fan!  $9.99
> Postage is $3.00 (air mail) for one or two CDs, etc. I try to get the
> best price for postage that I can and I do combine.  I do prefer
> payment through Paypal if possible.  If you cannot use Paypal then
> please let me know.
> You can get the CDs from me directly or through eBay if you prefer.
> My seller ID there is: trailer-dealer
> Just do a seller's search and you'll see the CDs. Please keep in mind
> that the CDs are copyrighted and it is only fair that one doesn't buy
> one and make copies to just give out to others. Please understand the
> work I put into these projects.  A lot of love too....
> I used to own a bunch of different vintage trailers back in Florida.
> Ma all time favorite was my 1954 Ventoura Loftliner.  This was an
> 8x37 double-decker (two-story) model and had two bedrooms upstairs in
> the rear, another downstairs bedroom in the rear, center bathroom,
> kitchen and of course the livin/dining area up front.  I literally
> cried when I had to sell it when we moved to Germany.  The saddest
> thing about the sale was the guy that bought it told me afterward
> that he was just going to use it as a hayloft in his cow pasture in
> norht Jacksonville.  I don'T want to know what the condition of my
> trailer is now!!!
> If you would like to write me then PLEASE write me at my other e-mail
> address as follows:
> I check it a couple of times a day and use it more then the yahoo
> one. Hope you understand! And please bare in mind that there is a
> time difference over here in Europe so I can't always answer e-mails
> right away because I might be asleep.
> Thanks for your time and best wishes to everyone!
> Most sincerely,
> Juergen Eichermueller
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> When replying to a message, please delete all unnecessary original
> text.
> To unsubscribe or change to a digest format, please go to


End of Silver Streak Digest V1 #66

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