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Silver Streak Digest V1 #54

Silver Streak Digest     Sunday, February 22 2004     Volume 01 : Number 054

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Topics in Today's Digest:

Re: [SilverStreak] Need advice on removing potty and shower from 72 SS


Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 06:16:53 -0800
Subject: Re: [SilverStreak] Need advice on removing potty and shower from 72 SS


 PVC pipes and connections are glued together. There is no way I know of to
get them apart. You can cut the pipe with a hack saw or similar saw. I have a
handle that holds a hacksaw blade by one end for tight places.

 Another good saw for this would be a saws all. These beauties are a large
reciprocating saw and a variety of blades are available to use with them from
wood to steel cutting. They make short order of tough jobs. They are not cheap
if purchasing new at the store, but if you have a number of things to be done,
the price is well worth the sore muscles and time/headaches you will save. You
may want to look at the local Lowes or Home Depot to see what it is, then
check around the local pawn shops for used one. I have found some great deals
at pawn shops, but be armed with the retail price so you don't pay too much
for a used item.

 Another place to find deals is on eBay. There are a lot of great finds there
as well. Again know the retail price before looking and bidding.

Hope some of this will help.


  The "deconstruction" project is proceeding well and we have really opened up
the rear of the trailer.  It's nice and light in there now and I'll post more
pictures soon.

  We are at the point of removing the potty tank and the tub/shower.   The
potty tank is a blackwater tank that doesn't drain through the outlet unless
the valve handle is pulled outside.  The tub/shower drain is graywater and
goes out through the outlet, there is no separate graywater tank.  (By
"outlet" I mean the thing you hook the drain tube to on the outside.)  My
questions are:

  1) I can't figure out how to disconnect the drain valve from the potty tank,
so the potty tank can be pulled upward and taken out.

  2) What do I need to know to disconnect the drainpipe from the tub/shower so
I can take it out?  There is an access panel on the bottom of the trailer.

  3) How does the drainpipe from the tub/shower connect to the outlet?  As far
as I can see from the outside, the outlet is a Y outlet, one branch goes up
front to the kitchen sink and the other seems to be the branch to the
blackwater tank.

  If you've gotten into these types of repairs before and have any advice I'd
really appreciate it!



End of Silver Streak Digest V1 #54

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