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Silver Streak Digest V1 #190

Silver Streak Digest     Wednesday, August 3 2005     Volume 01 : Number 190

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Topics in Today's Digest:

Re: [SilverStreak] Holding Tank sending units


Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 00:53:18 EDT
Subject: Re: [SilverStreak] Holding Tank sending units

Regarding the holding tank sensors: they are genaric and called Well nuts. 
they are available from most larger rv stores. They are very simple and are 
dependable except they get coated with holding tank yuck and no longer conduct. 
They really just make an electrical contact through the liquid to the ground 
probe or the lowest probe on the tank. They do sometimes start leaking and can be 
difficult to remove once they have been there for some time. If they arent 
leaking and also not working you can use holding tank probe cleaner which works 
with some probes and not so good on any that I own. Installing new ones 
leaving the old ones is sometimes the best bet.  


End of Silver Streak Digest V1 #190

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