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Silver Streak Digest V1 #148

Silver Streak Digest      Saturday, March 5 2005      Volume 01 : Number 148

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Topics in Today's Digest:

Re: [SilverStreak] Three water valves?
Re: [SilverStreak] Three water valves?


Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2005 10:32:15 -0600
From: Michael Young <>
Subject: Re: [SilverStreak] Three water valves?


Interesting.  I've been on the list for a year now.  Not participating much, 
but am learning a lot as I go.  My wife and I bought a '72 SS Continental 
Deluxe.  It has been parked for a year now as I work on a water leak, am 
working on the floor, plus other minor issues.  I've enjoyed reading your 
explanation of the plumbing.  Maybe the hose and clamp configuration is not 
a patch job, but factory work.  My trailer's plumbing is exactly as you have 
described yours.  Or maybe that is just how everyone patches plumbing.  I don't 
know.  I will be interested in seeing responses.

Michael Young
'72 Continental Deluxe

Bryan Crockett wrote:

> Hello all, I've finally gotten around to addressing the plumbing in this
> old beauty and am unable to find the answer.  Hope you can help.  On our
> '79 (?) model 3200 Continental Supreme there are 3 water valves in a row
> fore to aft in the converter compartment.  One connects off the city
> water inlet and goes to the water pump, although I can't figure this out
> as you only need the pump when using the tank.  This is the foremost
> valve.  The middle valve again connects off the city water cold line and
> then disappears into the floor (gray tank?), the aft most valve connects
> off the hot water line and again disappears into the floor (gray
> tank?).  I am wondering why this configuration.  If I'm correct about
> the two valves dumping into the gray waste, I THINK the middle valve is
> to empty the cold water lines when winterizing (?) and the aft valve is
> to drain the water heater (?).  ANY insight and/or diagrams would
> certainly help.  I've been all over the website email archives and the
> message board with only one reference to this and no details.  Some bozo
> replaced sections of copper here and there with garden hose and clamps,
> and we're redoing the whole thing in PEX.  Any opinions or advice
> regarding this would also be appreciated.   Thanks!!
> --
> -Bryan Crockett
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
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Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 23:56:56 -0600
From: "Jim  and Dorothy Dupree" <>
Subject: Re: [SilverStreak] Three water valves?


The hose and clamp configuration is not factory!! All was copper, however, 
the copper when frozen, but not enough to burst, would swell so that the 
standard fittings would not fit and could not be used to repair a break, so 
the hose and clamps was the normal repair. This was on most if not all 
repair unless the whole system was replaced with pvc or other type.

1985 SS Mod 3411

- ----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Young" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: [SilverStreak] Three water valves?

> Bryan,
> Interesting.  I've been on the list for a year now.  Not participating 
> much, but am learning a lot as I go.  My wife and I bought a '72 SS 
> Continental Deluxe.  It has been parked for a year now as I
> work on a water leak, am working on the floor, plus other minor issues. 
> I've enjoyed reading your explanation of the plumbing.  Maybe the hose and 
> clamp configuration is not a patch job, but factory
> work.  My trailer's plumbing is exactly as you have described yours.  Or 
> maybe that is just how everyone patches plumbing. 


End of Silver Streak Digest V1 #148

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