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Silver Streak Digest V1 #141

Silver Streak Digest     Monday, February 21 2005     Volume 01 : Number 141

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Topics in Today's Digest:

Re: [SilverStreak] Silver Streak Trailers
[SilverStreak] Items


Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 12:57:16 EST
Subject: Re: [SilverStreak] Silver Streak Trailers

Hi Ben, i fully appreciate your concerns regarding selling to a single  
source. and your correct, they would jack up the price no matter what they pay  you 
and then many of us with a budget would be out of the running.  I don't  know 
what your family feels would be best but from my point of view, i think the  
best thing would be to create a list of items and then ask interested  
individuals - and i stress individuals - to make offers.  Unfortunately i  would need 
to know what might fit in my 1958 Clipper, curtains, etc. so i would  be most 
interested in a visit with you.  This works for me since i'm near  San Diego. 
 and i know that might not be the best for others.  OR you  just fix a price 
and then do a first-come,first-buy system; but that also has  its drawbacks - 
how do you decide whose first.  One of the things that i  know works is an 
auction environment like ebay - but then you would have to pay  there 
transactions prices.  I've been with ebay for some time - see my  record as ramonacowboy 
- - and i'd be glad to help but i suppose you have a lot of  such offers.  
anyways whatever you decide, as a potential buyer - all i'd  ask for is a fair 
opportunity to pick up a few original items.  best of  luck, jim -)


Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 19:43:13 -0600
From: "Carolyn" <>
Subject: [SilverStreak] Items

We have a 1983 SS 3411.  We took the original refrigerator out as it doesn't
work. If anyone needs any parts from it they may have them. All the inside
plastic is ok and the shelves have some corrosion but I imagine can be

Also my husband replaced the axles because we could not find the magnets, but
the axles, brakes, hubs, and new bearings are ok.

If anyone needs these items or anything from them let us know, you can have
them.  If they are small will mail, just send the postage, if they are large
you will need to get them.

We live north of Houston Texas.

Tom and Carolyn Frederick


End of Silver Streak Digest V1 #141

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