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Silver Streak Digest V1 #140

Silver Streak Digest     Sunday, February 20 2005     Volume 01 : Number 140

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Topics in Today's Digest:

[SilverStreak] Silver Streak trailers
[SilverStreak] Silver Streak Trailers


Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 05:06:15 -0600
From: "Tom Patterson" <>
Subject: [SilverStreak] Silver Streak trailers

Looks like the response to Ben Harper's Message Board posting on my site has
been overwhelming.  Below is a copy of his latest posting in which he explains
how he intends to proceed.

I will forward all additional information that I receive on to this list as
soon as I receive such information.

- -Tom

 Hello Again,

First, I would like to personally thank Tom Patterson for forwarding my
posting to so many different vintage trailer sites, as well as providing such
a great forum for vintage trailer owners.

I would also like to let everyone know that I have been receiving many emails,
at a rate I wasn't quite prepared for, and that I am making every effort to
respond to everyones requests.

In the last 2 days I have received more than 300 emails requesting everything
from manuals to appliances, Linens to the purchase of the trailers.

I appreciate everyones patience while I sort through the emails. As I stated
in an earlier posting, I will be setting up a website with digital photos of
the trailers and a full accounting of the inventory.

I will post and email Tom Patterson when the site is up, seeing that he seems
to be one of the foremost authorities on getting information out to all of the
Vintage Fans.

Ben Harper


Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 21:49:08 -0600
From: "Tom Patterson" <>
Subject: [SilverStreak] Silver Streak Trailers

Here is the latest message posted by Ben Harper on my website:

- -Tom

I need a little help.

I have had several offers from restoration shops and private parties to buy
all of the inventory, not the trailers, just the inventory.

Though I am very tempted to do so, I have a concern now about doing so after
receiving so many emails from vintage owners and their needs for parts. I now
realize that it is the inventory that is the treasure that everyone has been
seeking and selling it to a single source may not be the best for the
collective owners of vintage Silver Streak Trailers.

My major concern would be the the inventory would be jacked up to a very high
and unfair price. Even though I know that the value of anything is the cost
that the market will bear, I believe that my Grandfather would be very
disappointed with the aspect of only a select few being able to obtain parts
to restore and enjoy their trailers.

So here is my question to all of you Vintage Fans. How would you like to see
this inventory sold / distributed?

After 3 days of emails, I now know that I want to take a very fair approach to
the sale of the inventory.

Please feel free to email your suggestions to me. I will sort through them
over the next several days and then post the process I feel most fair.

Ben Harper


End of Silver Streak Digest V1 #140

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