The Silver Streak E-mail List

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Silver Streak Digest V1 #1

Silver Streak Digest   Wednesday, September 10 2003   Volume 01 : Number 001

When replying to a message, please delete all unnecessary Digest text

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Topics in Today's Digest:

[SSList] test
[SilverStreak] test2
[SilverStreak] test
[SilverStreak] Fw: SUBSCRIBE sslist
Re: [SilverStreak] Fw: SUBSCRIBE sslist
[SilverStreak] Just checking in
Re: [SilverStreak] Just checking in
[SilverStreak] Re: Fw: new mailing list
[SilverStreak] Hello folks


Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2003 07:15:17 -0500
From: "Tom Patterson" <>
Subject: test3



Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2003 07:42:36 -0500
From: "Tom Patterson" <>
Subject: [SSList] test



Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2003 07:45:09 -0500
From: "Tom Patterson" <>
Subject: [SilverStreak] test2



Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2003 14:41:06 -0500
From: "Tom Patterson" <>
Subject: [SilverStreak] test



Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 10:50:14 -0500
From: "Tom Patterson" <>
Subject: [SilverStreak] Fw: SUBSCRIBE sslist

Hi Carl,

As you can see..........
I subscribed you.  Your earlier message bounced because I think you had the
authorization in the subject line, rather than in the body of the message.

- -Tom

- ----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 10:32 AM
Subject: SUBSCRIBE sslist

> --
> has been added to sslist.
> No action is required on your part.


Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 11:10:19 -0700
From: "Carl Rodgers" <>
Subject: Re: [SilverStreak] Fw: SUBSCRIBE sslist

thanks Tom, Carl


Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 13:35:15 -0700
From: "Carl Rodgers" <>
Subject: [SilverStreak] Just checking in

Hi to everybody.  We're Carl and JoAnn Rodgers and we live in Post Falls,
Idaho.  We have had our 77 SS
since 2-19-99.  We had owned 3 Airstreams and had gone to Seattle to look for
another when we noticed this SS
on a Sales lot in Moses Lake, Wa.  Luckily for us you could see the lot from
the freeway.
We looked at it and were quite intrigued by it but decided to go to Seattle
and look at
Airstreams .  We looked at several Streams but kept thinking about this SS in
Moses Lake.
We stopped on the way back and made an offer on it which was accepted.  The SS
was in
good overall condition but needed TLC and was very dated inside.  Since we've
owned it we remodeled it
Twice because She who must be obeyed (wife) was not satisfied.  It looks good
now.  This summer we took
out the carpeting that was in it and put in Vinyl, which is much more
practical with two pooches.
Since we've had our SS we've pulled it to Key West Fl and back thru the south
east and southwest and then home.
We've also made two other trips to the southwest and numerous ones to Canada.
We've put in two fantastic fans
a new 2 way fridge and an electric element for the waterheater.  We also
received 4 new Goodyear tires as the ones that were on when we bought it had
been subject to recall.  We love our SilverStreak and fully intend to use it
until we can't
Travel anymore.  If you plan on coming through our area with your SilverStreak
let us know any Streaker is welcome
to park in my driveway  (you too Tom and any other silverline owners).
                                 Carl and JoAnn Rodgers


Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 15:38:53 -0500
From: "Tom Patterson" <>
Subject: Re: [SilverStreak] Just checking in

Hi Carl,

Its a little early right now.......
Actually, you and I are the only subscribers so far.  I just got the list
working yesterday, and have invited you and James so far.  I haven't heard
from him as yet.
I think I will send a message out to the other old mailing list that I had,
( and see what that brings.  Also, I need to
make mention of the new mailing list on the website.  I haven't done that as
yet either.

- -Tom

- ----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Carl Rodgers" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 3:35 PM
Subject: [SilverStreak] Just checking in

> Hi to everybody.  We're Carl and JoAnn Rodgers and we live in Post Falls,
> Idaho.  We have had our 77 SS
> since 2-19-99.  We had owned 3 Airstreams and had gone to Seattle to look
> another when we noticed this SS
> on a Sales lot in Moses Lake, Wa.  Luckily for us you could see the lot
> the freeway.
> We looked at it and were quite intrigued by it but decided to go to
> and look at
> Airstreams .  We looked at several Streams but kept thinking about this SS
> Moses Lake.
> We stopped on the way back and made an offer on it which was accepted.
The SS
> was in
> good overall condition but needed TLC and was very dated inside.  Since
> owned it we remodeled it
> Twice because She who must be obeyed (wife) was not satisfied.  It looks
> now.  This summer we took
> out the carpeting that was in it and put in Vinyl, which is much more
> practical with two pooches.
> Since we've had our SS we've pulled it to Key West Fl and back thru the
> east and southwest and then home.
> We've also made two other trips to the southwest and numerous ones to
> We've put in two fantastic fans
> a new 2 way fridge and an electric element for the waterheater.  We also
> received 4 new Goodyear tires as the ones that were on when we bought it
> been subject to recall.  We love our SilverStreak and fully intend to use
> until we can't
> Travel anymore.  If you plan on coming through our area with your
> let us know any Streaker is welcome
> to park in my driveway  (you too Tom and any other silverline owners).
>                                  Carl and JoAnn Rodgers
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> When replying to a message, please delete all unnecessary original text.
> To unsubscribe or change to a digest format, please go to


Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 21:11:34 -0500
From: "Tom Patterson" <>
Subject: [SilverStreak] Re: Fw: new mailing list

Thanks Ros,

There are a few of us signed up already.  More coming probably, with
hopefully more postings.

- -Tom

- ----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ros" <>
To: "Tom Patterson" <>
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: new mailing list

> Hi Tom,
> Thank you for maintaining this list for Silver Streak owners.  I
> your efforts.
> I sure wish it had more activity and maybe if just a few of us post some
> messages, it will inspire others to post, too.
> Ros
> At 03:54 PM 9/8/03, you wrote:
> >Sorry folks, can't type right!  Try this
> >link.
> >
> >-Tom
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: <>Harriet Kaufman-Collett
> >To: <>Tom Patterson
> >Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 3:50 PM
> >Subject: Re: new mailing list
> >
> >i tried your link to the page, but I get a page cannot be displayed when
i do
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: <>Tom Patterson
> >To: <>
> >Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 2:41 PM
> >Subject: new mailing list
> >
> >I have set up a new mailing list for Silver Streak owners.  It is brand
> >spanking new!
> >
> >This mailing list that I am now using is fixing to go away, and to be
> >replaced by the new one.  If you are interested in joining the new one,
> >to
> >and sign up.
> >
> >If there is enough interest in the new list, I will start archiving the
> >messages on the site.
> >
> >-Tom


Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 14:45:56 -0500
From: "Tom Patterson" <>
Subject: [SilverStreak] Hello folks

Welcome to the Silver Streak mailing list.

This is my first regular posting since I set up the list, which now has ten of
us subscribed.  Also, there are several more who have subscribed to the weekly

Let me tell you what I envision.  If the list gets active enough, I will start
archiving the messages on my website, so that you will have the ability to
search back through prior postings.  Also, while I am going to set the digest
up as weekly for now, I will increase this frequency if the number of postings
justifies one more often.  Kind of a wait and see how things go for now.  I
will be forcing a digest to be issued more frequently in the next several
days, to test it out however.

I don't foresee too many problems with the list, although it is a new program
on my site, and problems and bugs may show up in these early stages.  Anyway,
to post a message, just send it to and it will go out
to all other list subscribers, looking just like this one does.  If you want
to make any changes to your subscription status, just go to and make them there.

The list is set up to remove any HTML from messages sent to the list.  This is
avoid a number of problems including the transmittal of viruses to list
subscribers.  I have tested the removal program in a number of ways, including
sending messages with HTML, sending messages with embedded pictures, and
sending messages with file attachments.  In all cases, the program has removed
them all, so I am satisfied that we should be protected.

Now for a little information.  As you know, I am Tom Patterson, and I am
located in Houston, Texas.  I do not myself own a Silver Streak, but do have
two Streamline trailers ('65 and '72) as well as a 1965 Streamline motorhome.
I have maintained a website mainly featuring information on Airstream and
Streamline trailers, until I was asked several years ago if I could also
provide for Silver Streaks, and this I have done.  Of course, as you might
already know, there is a tie between the Silver Streaks and Streamlines, in
that one of the Silver Streak owners left that company and went on to produce
Streamlines.  This accounts for the resemblance between the two makes.

I assume that you are all familiar with my site.  If now, there is a wealth of
trailer information available on the site.  Mostly Airstream, but in many ways
applicable to the other aluminum trailer makes.  You can do a search on the
site using one of the two search engines from the home page.

If anyone has any questions, let me know.  Also, it might be nice if you would
introduce yourself to the other members of the list, so that all know just who
they are corresponding with.

- -Tom


End of Silver Streak Digest V1 #1

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