The Silver Streak E-mail List

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[SilverStreak] Whats happening...

I have just finished uploading all of the Silver Streak e-mail list digests up
through the current issue to the website, and they can now be viewed.

There is a search function to look up content in the digests, but this does
not appear to be operating.  The problem appears to be insufficient memory on
the server.

I have been in the process of migrating data from the current server to a new
server with a different hosting company, and expect to change to the new
server sometime within the next few months.  This should solve the memory and
other problems.  The current website is running off of a pentium 3 machine,
which is getting a little long in the tooth.

As part of the upcoming move, I have now closed off new postings to the Silver
Streak Message Board as well as several other Message Boards running off of
the site for the time being.  New Message Boards will be available on the new
site when the move occurs.

Meanwhile, the e-mail list will continue to operate as usual.  When the time
for the move comes, you will be advised.  The list may be down at that point
for up to 72 hours, to modify programs, and for the new IP number to take
effect, but that will be the only thing you should notice.  The list will
continue to operate on the new site.


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