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[SilverStreak] Eddie

Our 2 Silvers are 3411's Eddie, so you know what they look like.

We can put a couch, recliner and small end table in the living room, have a
small table and chairs in the kitchen, everything else is built in.  One has a
full or queen bed  and a built in chest of drawers and the other has 2 twins
is the only difference.  Haven't been out there in awhile so will take a look.
That's how I remember them anyway.

We bought a new fridge from Home Depot and replaced the one and we intend to
put one in the other one also.  Sadly with hubby working overseas and us
adding on to the house and doing that work everything stopped on the RV's.  We
just plain don't have time.  I'm going to try and get out there after I get my
garden planted and work on them again.  Clean and do some interior stuff.  We
have a 5th wheel regular RV and a Silver we plan to sit on some lots at a
little subdivision on Lake Conroe and rent.  And yes we have been saying that
for 2 years. The other one is for us to use.
