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[SilverStreak] Fridge woes

So I went out to get out SS ready for a two week vacation, and of course 
the fridge won't cooperate. I think we lost the ammonia somehow in the 
last year. Is there any way of verifying this? I tapped on the coil in 
the back and it sounds empty. When I turned on the fridge the gas lights 
and I can feel hot air going up the chimney, but the coils never get 
warm. I waited about 20 minutes. I never hear a "whoosh" from the burner 
on the back of the fridge, but I can't remember for sure if it ever did 
that. We tossed almost $400 into it last year for new electronics and it 
worked fine. It is a Domestic RM 2811. I plugged it into electric and it 
switched to AC for 10 minutes then switched back to gas which I thought 
was odd.
Any thought as to more troubleshooting?