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Re: [SilverStreak] Logo's

Thanks to everyone for the information on Logo's. After looking at Christi's 
I know for sure that I will have to start over. I started by priming the 
logo's and then painting red, thinking that the white was lower and I could 
"fill in" after the red letters had dried. Then I bought some camel hair 
brushes and some white paint and started. Boy did it look bad, my hands shook, 
the white got on the letters often, it took multipule coats, and more. So then 
I got a bright idea, I would coat the red letters with wax and then spray paint 
the white background, then melt the wax off. Another disaster, the wax didn't 
melt off worth a darn, attempting it "help" it off with a stiff toothbrush took 
some of the red off too. So, I will try to remove all the paint and start over. 
I will prime the whole thing front and back, spray paint the whole thing white 
too, and then attempt to get these shaky, over 50 hands, to hold a small paint 
brush still and cover the letters.
 Its a good thing the hardware store in this small town is closed by this hour 
because if I went and bought the paint remover now I would try to drink it on 
the way home.
Joe. (just kidding on drinking the paint remover)