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Re: [SilverStreak] List messages....


Thanks for all of your efforts on getting the blocks lifted from the various
services.  I agree with you on the Warner Cable/Road Runner situation.  I am
having no problems now that I have reactivated my Google Mail account.

I would suggest that anyone who has Road Runner, (Time Warner), obtain a
Google Mail Account.  I believe Google Mail is less intrusive than Yahoo
Mail.  Because of the problems with RR, I now never use their home page,
except for Microsoft Updates, as I am using Firefox, which is set to open on
the Google search prompt.  I have found Firefox to be an excellent browser.
Please remind people of the Warner Cable RR problem, from time to time, on
the forum on your site so they can get onto the sslist by opening a Google
Mail etc. account.


-----Original Message-----

> Welcome to the members who are subscribed to AOL
> Apparently any message blocking that AOL was doing has been remedied, and
> messages are now going through.
> Earthlink has indicated that they have found the source of their blockage;
> Hopefully they will soon be removing it.
> Warner Cable is another matter - possibly the blockage will never be
> removed.
> You can't deal with someone you can't reason with.
> -Tom