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Re: [SilverStreak] Server transfer again...


I am in awe.  I'm actually an IT professional (if you can call being a State of 
New Mexico employee the same as being a professional).  Aside from all 
the work you're doing on maintaining the site, you alwo inform your "user 
base" in a timely manner of changes that are aftoot, something I find many 
"professionals" forget to do ... it's so easy to get so caught up in "solving the 
problem" that often one loses sight of the "user base". 

You are due at least a round of applause for your professionalism in 
handling this transition.


----- Original Message ----- 

> For your information, I have transferred the website to a new server once
> more.
> This time, it is to a new server which does not impose e-mail relay limits.
> There are several items not yet functioning.  They are:
> 1. The free classified ads.  I have a database problem to fix for this item.
> 2. The Search on the home page.  This should be working in the next few days.
> 3.  Majordomo.  This is the e-mail list software.  For now, the lists will
> continue to function, as they are still being operated off of the original
> site.  Hopefully, they will be transferred to this new site within the week.
> This transfer will take a little time to propagate throughout the internet.
> Some will access the new server while others are still accessing the old
> server.  The full changeover should happen within two days.
> -Tom