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Re: [SilverStreak] magnet latches

What Ralph said,

Watch out for petro and carbon tet cleaners. The plastic will instantly 
melt. Use ammonia based cleaners such as kitchen cleaner spray, 409, 
fantastic, purple power. Soak, rinse well, and dry with a hair drier to 
prevent rust. Light drop of 3-n-1 will keep them floating to make good 
contact with the latch.
-Eddie- Houston, TX

----- Original Message ----- 

> Bruce,
> I think Eddie has a good answer for "sticky" plastic ends.  You can take 
> the latch off and hit it with a quick shot of engine starting fluid.
> Be sure to just use a quick squirt as you don't want to damage the 
> plastic. Then put some powdered graphite on the slides.