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[SilverStreak] Transfer to new site

Hi Folks,

The transfer has been completed, albeit with some unforseen consequences.

The site itself has moved to a new server located at  You are
invited to have a look.  Most of the changes were to items behind the scenes,
including a lot of housekeeping.  However, you will find that there are
several changes, including more information on older trailers, better search
facilities, both on the Home page, and throughout the site, and a change from
the old message board to a new phpBB forum type board.

The old server was a pentium 3 with 128 mb of memory and 6 gb of space.  The
new server has three times the memory, and 10 gb of space.  Operating programs
are much newer as well.

The BIG problem encountered was that GoDaddy will only allow 1000 relays of
e-mails from the server per day.  The Silver Streak list has about 170
members, so each message going out counts for about 170 relays.  I have a
second list, the valist for Airstream owners.  It has about 800 members, so
you can see the 1000 relay gets eaten up very quickly.  I was unaware of this
potential problem until it came along yesterday when I reactivated the lists.

I have moved the mail back to the old server for now.  I have about a month
and a half of time remaining before the contract expires on that server, so
will be looking for a solution during that remaining time.

Meanwhile, the list, and the site are up and running for now.
