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Re: [SilverStreak] Speaking of wood paneling ...

----- Original Message ----- 

> I do not appreciate your inviting the members of this list to move over to
> the Airstream Forum.

My apologies, Tom. My intention was not to "invite" anyone to "move
over" *anywhere*. When I found your site, the "discussion board" page
had a message about a server move, with no date and no time frame for
the task. Absent such information, and with the no-pictures limitation
of this email list in mind, I thought that the other forum could fill
a temporary need; my email was intended as a suggestion, nothing more.
I see that forum as adding to our options of building and maintaining
Silver Streak knowledge bases and resources, rather than being

> This is a private list ...

I understand that, and being here just a few days I already very much
appreciate what you do.

> If the list activity drops off, then it will result in this list closing
> down, so please keep that in mind in your efforts to move members to the
> Airstream forum.

There's no "effort" of that sort intended, as I hope I made clear in
my comments above. I was simply pointing out another potentially
helpful resource. There are too few places to learn about these
singular trailers as it is.

I don't understand the kind of thinking -- especially on the internet
-- that emphasizes an "either/or" mindset toward information and
resources.  Cooperation and collaboration, which can enrich all
participants, is so much easier and usually benefits all involved.

Now that I've explained the reasons behind my suggestion, I hope I'm
still welcome here.

