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Re: [SilverStreak] Silver Streak Logos

Tom, thanks for getting back to the list so quickly. Too bad about the Sabre 
logo -- I was hoping they could maybe 'fudge' it a little.

before I commit for the Silver Streak logo -- I've got 2 questions:
1. are they able to cast a logo that will utilize the same hole spacing as 
the original?
2. are they able (or willing) to make the logo for the front with a slight 
curvature to follow the skin?

again, thanks so much for taking this on -- I really appreciate it.

----- Original Message ----- 

> Here is the latest on the logo situation.  Sorry about the length of this
> posting.
> First, I advised on Saturday that I had received Jason's logo intact.
> Unfortunately, that was not correct, as I found when I checked this 
> morning.
> Part of the "S" on Silver had broken off inside the package, and I had not
> noticed that it was missing from the logo.  This will NOT affect having 
> the
> logos cast.  The logo itself was slightly damaged, but both pieces are 
> usable.
> They will need to be tacked down anyway so can still be used to cast a new
> logo.  Jason will receive a new cast logo in exchange.
> The price to produce these logos will include the following:
> - A set-up charge of $100.  This set-up charge can be avoided if the item 
> to
> be cast is provided to the casting company mounted on a suitable board. 
> In
> the case of the Silver Streak logo, it requires a 28" x 14" board.  The 
> board
> must be of smooth furniture grade plywood (such as birch) and finished 
> both
> sides.  When provided, the board and mounted sample are returned to the
> customer and can be used for future castings, thus avoiding a set-up 
> charge in
> future as well.  I chose to provide the casting company with a board, so 
> that
> I would receive it and the logo back for future use.  However, I also 
> chose to
> have the casting company mount the logo for this initial order, as 
> otherwise,
> the casting would have been made using the material exactly as presented, 
> and
> I did not feel that I had enough knowledge of what was needed so as to 
> present
> exactly what was required.  In other words, if I gave them something that
> resulted in flawed copies, I would be stuck with the flawed copies, so 
> decided
> to let them do the mounting.  Thus, we have a set-up charge of $100. 
> Probably
> I can provide them with any future mounted samples and avoid any future 
> set-up
> charge.
> - The smallest board I could buy was 4' x 4'.  I supplied a 28" x 14" 
> piece
> to the casting company, so still have some furniture grade birch board 
> left
> over which can be used for further logos.  Cost of the 4' x 4' board I 
> bought
> was $54.11
> - Jason shipped the Silver Streak logo (as well as a Sabre logo) to me. 
> His
> cost was $22.95 Cdn. which is approximately par with the U.S. dollar right
> now.
> - Logos will cost $20.00 each piece.
> - Shipping is still to be determined.  I had hoped to maybe use USPS 
> Priority
> mail, but see that their boxes are too small for these logos.  Probably 
> the
> shipping costs will end up somewhere around $20 to $25 per shipment.  I 
> will
> check around this week to see what I can find.
> - Right now, we have a request for 32 logos.  A listing of those 
> requesting
> logos follows.  Assuming it does not change, we have costs of $100.00 plus
> $54.11 plus $22.95 (plus a $20 logo for Jason) or a total of $197.06 
> divided
> by 31 or $6.35 per logo.  This means that each logo will cost the $20.00 
> per
> piece plus $6.35 or $26.35 each, plus shipping.  Afterwards, we will be 
> left
> with a mounted sample which can be used for future orders as well as left 
> over
> furniture grade plywood for future orders.  Also, hopefully I can avoid 
> any
> future set-up charges when I see how the whole process works.  These 
> prices
> may vary just a bit, depending on whether the order count holds at 32 or 
> not.
> This order is only for the Silver Streak logos, which measure 
> approximately
> 18" x 5".  They are the same as a picture which can be seen at
> I realize that other logos are also wanted, such as Sabre and Atlas, but 
> they
> can come later after we know that this process works satisfactorily.
> Incidently, Jason also sent a Sabre logo, although it was somewhat damaged 
> at
> the ends.  It was also slightly distorted, being a little "wavy", - from
> weathering I expect.  The casting company felt that we should probably use 
> a
> better specimen in order to get a better finished product.
> Painting is also a question.  These logos will come back from the casting
> company in a raw aluminum state.  They will need to be painted in the 
> original
> white and red.  I painted my Streamline logos myself, and think that 
> everyone
> should be able to do the same with their logos.  Admittedly, I only had 
> one
> color to content with, but think that it should not be too difficult.  One
> thing to know is that before painting the finished product, a primer must 
> be
> applied as there will be out-gassing from the aluminum logos.  I used a 
> spray
> primer on my logos that I obtained from Home Depot.  I also used a spray 
> paint
> from Home Depot for the blue and for the black that I painted my logos 
> with.
> This final spray proved not to stand up to the wear, and I went to a paint
> from a local model shop.  A bit more pricey, but it has stood up for 
> several
> years now without any sign of wear.
> Now, here is who all I have listed as wanting logos.  Please check to see 
> if
> your name is on the list and if the quantitiy is correct.  Then, please 
> e-mail
> me direct (not via the Silver Streak list) at 
> and
> confirm that your order is correct.  If I don't hear from you, I will 
> assume
> that you do not want the logos.  If you want logos, and do not see your 
> name,
> then tell me to add your name and tell me the quantity you want.  I will 
> be
> asking for money as soon as I can find out the shipping charges.  For your
> information, it will take about a week for the casting company to produce 
> the
> logos after I give them the quantity wanted, which I hope to do later this
> week.
>      Name Quantity
>      Bob Greene 1
>      Darin Unthank 4
>      Eddie Huffstetter 5
>      Gary Huckaby 2
>      Jo Blackmore 2
>      Mary & Larry 2
>      Patti Glover 2
>      Richard Clossen 2
>      Scott Holden 2
>      Sherylyn 2
>      Mark & Rosie Alberti 2
>      Jason Parks 2
>      Bev Harris 2
>      Thomas Williams 2
>      Total 32
> Please let me know if there are any additional questions or comments.
> -Tom