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RE: [SilverStreak] Helper training

Just got a repeat lesson in having a "helper" when parking my SS:
If the helper says, "STOP!" or "Aagh!" I stop.
If the helper says, "OK, you're clear, come on back," I get out and look. Again.
I've been pretty consistent over the years but I slipped up recently. Dinged the rear underside corner on a concrete block. "Helper" had just said, "OK, come on back," and I failed to GET OUT AND LOOK.
Pretty bad as it is the same place I've backed the 8' x 40' Spartanette into a couple of times, between a chainlink fence and a huge tree over a narrow driveway culvert, with no problems.
Did the same thing backing the 28' x 8 1/2' wide x 9' high cargo trailer. "Helper" said, "OK, come on back," and I failed to get out and look one more time. Scraped the front side door on a gatepost. 6 months old trailer, all shiny and pretty.

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