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Re: [SilverStreak] Re: [VAL] Shaver Pricing

I guess i just don't understand about all these rivet exchanges.  I've  done 
repairs on my 1958 Silver Streak clipper using a regular hand held rivet  
setter, then a pair of wire cutters to cut the nail-like piece that is left  
protruding out from the center of the rivet, and then i use a very file file to  
further smooth off the rivet head.  I would challenge anyone to point out  where 
these rivets are; as they perfectly match all the other rivets, both  inside 
and outside.  This process is a little time consuming but i have  
replaced/repaired rather large sections both side and under panels along with  fabricating 
whole new walls on the inside.  I share this for those that are  looking for 
a less expensive way than purchasing a tool with very limited  use.  best 
regards, jim