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[SilverStreak] ss new-be

Hi Tom,  I picked up my first SS about a month ago and have been cleaning and
repairing....I just finished the last item...The onboard electric
heater.....The squirl cage fan has been damaged and I'm hoping to find a
replacement...  I plan on installing a graywater tank next as the first up
date....So I'm hoping this could get posted so others might read this and
hopefully someone has a fan for me...

  I found a 1964 Silver Streak Sabre 19....  Do'es anyone know what "Saber"
means? Anyway it's in very good condition.... I am so lucky to have found
this.....  I'm the third owner and the first one fellow sold when he was 93
years old....  So I'm told anyway and the story telling is always the best
part of the story....  Anyway this older fellow built several nice little
things and I hope to honor him with my work....

  I'm looking for the squirl cage fan for the electric heater... The unit is a
Homart sold by Sears Roebuck and Co.  It's called a Mighty Midget Electric
Heater.... model # 344-58211-1....120 volts... 2000 watts....  If anyone has
this fan and would part with it I will be glad to donate to your enjoyment
fund....  I plan on posting photos of this little Jem ( the Sabre) as soon as
I locate a 20 mm lens for my camera.....  I found a loner lens so I just have
to get it done....

  OK then Tom,  Thank you so much for making this available to the world of
Streakers....  I sat and read for several days and found some good info and
heard some fine people here too...

                                                           Enjoy and thanks
